Tommy and I stepped over electrical cables as we looped through
Farnsworth Park. Mount Curve was lined with trucks and abuzz with activity. I love how a production adds Hollywood sparkle to the neighborhood, but let's be honest: a big part of the allure is the handsome men behind the scenes.
I considered striking up a conversation but was too shy. As we walked by, I played out the line I could've said, chastising myself for not having the nerve. But another opportunity awaited: up ahead three guys leaned against the back of a pick-up truck.
I boldly approached and said, “Guess who my dog is named after.”
“Charlie Sheen.”
If Tommy were a Charlie, I might call him "Chuck." |
He didn't miss a beat!
"Look at him," I said. "He looks just like the actor he's named after."
The Charlie Sheen guesser struggled. It seemed to really bother him he couldn't think of Tommy's namesake. "God, there are so many of them. Give us a hint."
"He has three names," I offered.
"Jean-Claude Van Damme."
Can you imagine me calling Tommy "Jean Claude"?! |
The youngest, too hip to even look up from his phone, said a name I didn’t recognize.
"You have to look at him. He looks just like this actor."
The hip dude looked at Tommy.
Tommy sat at full alert, expectantly looking at me. Then at the three men. Then back at me, as if to say, "Who's giving me the treat?!"
Too busy flirting, I ignored him. The guys looked at me with blank stares. They'd given up.
"Tommy Lee Jones," I finally said.
"He really does look like him!"
A few more guys walked up. The Charlie Sheen guesser called after them, "Guess the actor her dog is named after!"
"Danny Devito!"
Tommy as Danny? I don't think so. But Vito could work. |
They were shooting “
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia,” so it was an understandable guess.
Tommy was frustrated. I cut the game short.
"Tommy Lee Jones," I said.
Raucous laughter erupted from this crowd of good-looking dog lovers.
One guy asked if Tommy was friendly and as he moved closer, Tommy jumped toward him in his wild buck kind of way. He'd had enough of being ignored.
"Whoa! He even acts like Tommy Lee!" (Apparently the actor has a reputation.) The guy stepped back.
That's my Tommy: he lures them in and he chases them away.
On another note, let's for a moment forget that Danny DeVito cheated on his wife and applaud him for participating in the video,
The Right to Know: Vote Yes on Prop 37. Or, as someone put it recently: we just want to know what's in our effin food!